

Why Attribution?

Hundreds of man hours have gone into curating and providing this information into easy-to-use APIs. As such, we simply ask for attribution in return so others can utilize these services in their projects, as well as help promote the HITMAPS name. provides these services free-of-charge. However, in return for using our services, you must provide some sort of attribution on your site / project that is visible to all users when using your application / website (i.e. not hidden away in a file nested in 47 folders that no one looks in).

Some acceptable forms of attribution:

  • "Item information provided by HITMAPS"
  • "Information powered by {HITMAPS logo}"

Please ensure that the HITMAPS name and/or logo follows the brand guidelines in your attribution.


All public endpoints currently do not require any sort of authentication. However, this may change in the future.


If an endpoint returns a date, it will be returned in ISO-8601 format, such as 2019-04-08T12:51:00+00:00. All dates and times will be in UTC.


All endpoints, when successful, will return a 200 OK response. Below are the generic error responses. Any specific error responses are indicated at the appropriate API documentation.

    "message": "Could not find route with URI /api/v1/unknown",
    "uri": "/api/v1/unknown"
    "message": "It appears that something went horribly wrong, and we are unable to handle your request at this time. Please try again in a few moments.",
    "uri": "/api/v1/some-uri",
    "logId": null