HITMAPS™ Tournaments Match

Starting A HITMAPS™ Tournaments Match

  1. Click "Generate Spin"

  1. Select "Enable Tournament Mode"

  1. If not logged into HITMAPS Roulette, click "Login with Discord". Otherwise, click "Start HITMAPS Tournaments Match" and jump to step 5.

  1. Click "Authorize"

  1. Select an event from the left-hand side, and a match from the right-hand side. Then click "Continue"



If there is only one event and/or match available, the website will automatically select the one event/match.


"Not all matches are shown!"

You will only see a match available if:

  1. The match is not yet complete and
  2. You have permission to officiate the match

If you believe both of those statements are true and you still cannot view a particular match, contact HITMAPS.

Match Admin View Breakdown

  1. Map History / Picks
    1. When a map is concluded, the score for the map will be displayed instead of the map name
  2. Allows the admin to call a draw or force victory / win by forfeit
  3. Sends the final score to Challonge and closes the match (this button is disabled until the match has concluded)
  4. Participant's name and connection status
    1. Red: Offline (not viewing spin page)
    2. Amber: Viewing the spin page, but connection is weak
    3. Green: Viewing the spin page with a strong connection
  5. Participant's score
  6. Link to copy the participant's spin link to your clipboard. It can then be sent to the participant
  7. Button to send a message to the participant. Useful for informing them of an incorrect kill, their stream being offline, etc. Once a message has been sent, the participant must acknowledge your message before you can send another.
  8. A list of who won what map, and the points given out for that map
  9. Reverses the result of the most recent map

  1. Respins the entire spin for the same mission
  2. Provides a stream overlay for the match's caster
  3. Clears the spin that is displayed on the participant view and removes the timer
  4. Sets the length of the match, or removes the time limit entirely
  5. Sets the time the spin should go live (in your local time zone). Setting a match time in the past will result in the spin appearing immediately.
  6. Sends the spin to the participant(s)

Participant View Breakdown


Note: This screenshot is outdated, but the same features apply today.

  1. "Done" button. Participant must click this button after completing the mission with a 5-star, silent assassin rating
  2. The current score
  3. Current mission being played
  4. Time remaining for the spin. If there is no time limit, "No Time Limit" will be displayed instead
  5. Current spin conditions